What we do

Over the coming year you will find a small and growing collection of short books, e-books and webinars. We are just starting. You will be able to attend interesting workshops and talks on many aspects of living, and find a low-key, informed approach without hype or over-sell. You will be able to explore designing your life from the inside out.

One of the first events will be a webinar for couples to address the challenge of maintaining a flourishing relationship.  In these tough times, many marriages and partnerships of all kinds are strained to the limit. After the webinar we aim to publish a guide to support people who want their relationship to survive and grow.

Look out for our first ebook in May, called ‘Conscious Couples’.
It’s for everyone in partnership with another person.  

As we develop further, we will offer materials and resources, including workshops and webinars for many aspects of healthy living as an individual, in groups, in the workplace and in society, for intercultural understanding, with an emphasis on human development and lifelong learning.

We also work internationally. Our current project, which we plan to develop later this year, is a co-operative venture with several European colleagues called ‘Tapping Wisdom’.

It involves developing ways of sharing of intergenerational and cultural knowledge, and creating innovative concepts and tools which will encourage a shift from:

  • intergenerational alienation to integration
  • survival to self-actualization
  • dependence to interdependence
  • passivity to productivity.